Banking & Financial Solutions
Optimize and protect cloud platforms that enable online banking, investing and trading applications. Make financial services more secure and accessible to the general public, while accelerating customer engagement and supporting intelligent decision-making.
Industry Solution Highlights
Mobile Banking and Online Trading
Our architects and platform specialists made a significant contribution in delivering Application Integration and Information Security capabilities for online/retail banking, electronic customer information management, bill presentment and financial decision management enterprise applications.
We have been privileged to provide advanced Enterprise Architecture guidance for some of the Big 5 banks and leading financial services providers in Canada.
Our in-depth knowledge in the Information Security domain allowed our company to demonstrate leadership and innovation while designing and delivering stock exchange cyber resilience framework, and conducting an assessment of the bank-wide application security policies and standards to improve the cyber-security posture.
Our notable banking & financial services solutions include Customer Single Sign-on, User Lifecycle Management, Application Security Patterns, Web Application Protection, Business Threat Profiling, Loan Management System, and Payments & Disbursements.

Industry Standards

Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (WSRA) (a.k.a. Dodd-Frank) is a US federal law enacted in 2010 that reorganized the entire financial regulatory system to protect consumers against major adversities of a potential financial crisis.
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) is an independent Canadian federal government agency that regulates and supervises Federally Regulated Financial Institutions (FRFI) to determine whether they are in sound financial condition.
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) II is a new EU legislative framework to ensure a high degree of harmonized investor protection and improve the functioning of financial markets — making them more efficient, resilient and transparent.