Loan Management System
ClientFinancial Services Provider
Legacy loan management systems and processes do not support business requirements driven by the market evolution. The current technologies are migrated to a centralized Financial Management platform supporting service-oriented system integration.
Case Study Overview
Initial State
Leading agriculture lender has a mix of commercial and custom-built legacy systems servicing corporate customers in the process of arranging and using business loans. The current systems are too expensive to upgrade and integrate using proprietary APIs.
Target State
As part of a multi-year Loan Transformation program, a new Loan Management System (LMS) is architected, constructed and transitioned to production. The new solution is based on a unified Financial Management platform, which includes an Application Server component supporting web services for industry-standard connectivity with JEE and .NET participants of the money lending automation environment.
The LMS solution is successful largely as a result of adopting best practices of Continuous Delivery and Application Integration domains, which allow quick feature provisioning and information propagation across inter-dependent financial applications.