Continuous Delivery
Switch to agile software engineering method of building, testing and releasing application services with higher frequency. Fully automate configuration and deployment processes to minimize time-to-market and maximize return-on-investment with technology implementation.
DevOps Solution Categories
Release Automation
Automatic packaging and deployment of application releases and updates
- Version Control
- Distributed Builds
- Code Unit Testing
- System Integration
- Package Repository
- Team Collaboration
Continuous Testing
Automatic validation of functional and service-level quality requirements
- Regression Testing
- Performance Testing
- Failover Testing
- Security Testing
- Issue Management
- Quality Feedback
Cloud Management
Automatic resource provisioning, change management and configuration
- System Image Management
- System Patch Management
- Application Deployment
- Container Provisioning
- Cluster Management
- Rolling Updates
DevOps Solution Description
Release Automation
Continuous Build, Deployment and Integration
Operating reliable application services requires consistent release management processes. Developers and support specialists need to be confident that application binaries and configurations are built in a reproducible, automated way, making it easy to provision a new feature or a patch as required by the business.
Our release engineers will enable your organization with Continuous Delivery capabilities, to allow development teams compile, assemble, deploy, integrate and incrementally upgrade the releases of enterprise systems and application services in a variety of on-premise and cloud environments. Their skill set includes deep knowledge of multiple domains: DevOps techniques, Enterprise Architecture, software development, Application Integration, configuration management, system administration and application platform optimization.

Continuous Testing
Functional and Non-functional Test Automation
The concept of Continuous Testing is based on creating fast feedback at every step of the development process. Whenever changes are committed into a version control system, fast automated tests are run in production-like environments, giving continual assurance that the code and environments operate as designed, and application services are always in a complete, deployable and reliable state.
Our test automation and performance engineering professionals will create a DevOps environment where developers can discover their mistakes quickly, i.e. within minutes. Not only this enables faster fixes, but greatly accelerates the learning process — very different from the case when mistakes are discovered several months later, as part of the integration testing, when the correlation between cause and effect has long faded.

Cloud Management
Automatic Resource Provisioning and Administration
With the introduction of DevOps concept and continuing adoption of Cloud Computing, new software product features and additional cloud services can be created in weeks, being deployed into production in just minutes. With Cloud Management tools in hand, organizations are able to perform experiments to test business ideas, discovering which ideas create the most value for customers and the organization as a whole, which are then further developed into features that can be rapidly and safely deployed into the cloud production environment.
Our configuration management engineers can help your organization adopt DevOps principles and practices that would allow to deploy incremental changes or new application services into the cloud hundreds times per day. Managing your cloud platform and micro-services becomes a simple and responsive task.

DevOps Standards
Open Service Broker (OSB) API 2.1 is a specification issued by the Cloud Foundry Foundation (CFF), a project of the Linux Foundation. It allows third-party vendors to easily provide backing services to workloads running on cloud-native platforms.
The Update Framework (TUF) 1.0 is a specification issued by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to describe a mechanism for securing software update systems. It outlines a secure method of obtaining trusted files.
YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML) 1.2 is a human-friendly data serialization format broadly adopted for various programming needs, ranging from application service messaging to configuration management to business object persistence.