Business Threat Profiling
ClientMajor Stock Exchange
Legacy clearing platform is transitioned to open systems with customer access through the Internet channel. A modern analytics solution based on Machine Learning (ML) is designed to monitor clearing business transactions and report suspected financial fraud in real time.
Case Study Overview
Initial State
The upcoming release of modern clearing technology delivers the required business functions, but is vulnerable to potential fraud that is hard to detect and block.
Target State
The existing enterprise monitoring platform is enhanced with ML algorithms and self-learning techniques, to profile legitimate business transactions and identify various forms of fraud. Data collected from the identity cloud and network security devices allows to analyze the end-to-end audit trail and identify the malicious source.
All occurrences of suspected fraud can be monitored and further analyzed through visual dashboards, while real-time alerts are sent to the Security Operations Centre (SOC). Now cyber resilience of the financial market infrastructure meets and exceeds the requirements of the regulatory bodies, promoting financial stability and growth.