Payments and Disbursements
ClientFinancial Services Provider
The current payments and disbursements features of the lending system do not support more complex business scenarios. The legacy solution is migrated to a new Financial Management platform with online user interface and centralized document repository.
Case Study Overview
Initial State
Business customers have limited number of operations available in a legacy client-server system that automates the use of financial services provided by the lender.
Target State
The current business processes are augmented and enriched with new capabilities based on a unified Financial Management platform. A modern Payments and Disbursements (P&D) solution includes an enterprise portal allowing customers and advisors quickly administer and monitor the entire lifecycle of a commercial loan.
The new P&D solution supports a variety of convenient payment methods and conforms to IFRS, PCI and other applicable industry regulations. Payment history can be browsed online, and associated financial documents can be downloaded in a digital format using facilities of a Document Management and Imaging platform.