XML Schema
CategoryData Interchange Format
XML Schema Definition (XSD) 1.1 offers facilities for describing the structure and contents of XML documents. Client applications can use XML schemas to meet syntactic, structural and value constraints applicable to XML document exchange with the application service provider.
XML Data Validation
Enterprise Application Integration and Testing
XML Schema provides a description of an XML document type, generally expressed using a combination of grammatical rules governing the order of elements, logical predicates that the content must satisfy, data types defining the content of elements and attributes, and other rules such as uniqueness and referential integrity.
Given the current investment of the IT industry in XML message format, schemas can be used to properly construct API requests and handle responses from the integrated cloud and enterprise applications. XML Schema continues to be a valuable data validation and processing feature in the context of modern, RESTful application services, where it can be referenced from a WADL document and other API specifications.
The use of XML Schema definitions also proves effective while editing XML documents, generating language data bindings based on the schema constructs, and performing API integration testing. XML Schema enforcement is a good practice in API Management scenarios, both on a service gateway and by client applications.