WADL Specification
CategoryWeb Services Standards
Web Application Description Language (WADL) is a submission to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created to define a machine-readable description of HTTP-based web resources. It is platform and programming language independent, promoting the reuse of RESTful application services.
Web Resource Description
Web Application Integration and Composition
WADL specification is designed to provide a format for describing web application HTTP based resources, and their interactions amenable to machine processing.
The specification defines resources — web application service endpoints, their methods — service operations, and request/response representations — content type and structure of the exchanged data, including JSON, XML and plain text.
Several WADL components support references to other components using the # URI reference syntax. XML types can be used with inline definitions — as part of the grammars section, or via references to an external XML Schema — using the include element.
The value of the resource path (URI) may be static, or contain embedded template parameters. At runtime, the values of the template parameters are substituted into the resource URI. Similarly, the values of the resource query parameters are sent as URI query parameters when the HTTP method is invoked by a service consumer.