JMS Interface
CategoryProgramming Interface
Java Message Service (JMS) 2.0 provides a common way for Java client applications and Java middle-tier services to use asynchronous messaging products. It is an API of a peer-to-peer messaging technology essential for loosely-coupled and stateful system integration.
Asynchronous Messaging
Loosely-coupled Application Integration
JMS 2.0 is Java standard API for creating, sending and receiving asynchronous messages. It is a common interface to distributed messaging systems essential for integrating intra-company operations, referred to as Message-oriented Middleware.
A JMS application is made up of a set of application-defined messages and a set of clients that exchange them. Enterprise messaging products that implement JMS interface do so by supplying a JMS-compliant provider. These products may use standard wire protocols — such as AMQP or MQTT, and may support clients which use programming languages other than Java — such as C/C++, JavaScript, Lua, Python or Ruby.
JMS messages contain precisely formatted body that describes business actions specific to the applications that exchange them — typically in JSON or XML format. In addition, each message has a header encapsulating fields used for message routing, identification and classification — those set by the sending client or the provider. Messaging products may choose to implement other features, such as persistence and delivery guarantees.