Ruby Platform
CategoryProgramming Language
Ruby is a reflective, general-purpose, interpreted programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has been designed as a genuine object-oriented environment with simple syntax, automatic memory management and immediate feedback during development.
Web Development Environment
Web Applications and Cloud Management
Ruby found its use in variety of scenarios, including website development, community collaboration, configuration management and environment virtualization.
In Ruby, everything is an object: every bit of information and code can be given their own properties — called instance variables, and actions — known as methods. This eases one's use of the language, since rules applying to objects apply to all of Ruby.
Ruby is seen as a flexible language, since it allows its users to freely alter its parts, which can be removed or redefined at will. Ruby's blocks are also seen as a source of great flexibility: a programmer can attach a closure (block) to any method, describing how that method should act, and apply it iteratively to a list of items.
Unlike many object-oriented languages, Ruby features single inheritance only, but classes can mixin modules and automatically receive all of their methods. Variables do not need to be declared but use simple naming conventions to denote their scope. Other features include multithreading, garbage collection and exception handling.