Application Portfolio Optimization
ClientRegional Transportation Agency
Business people, service technicians, IT specialists and third-party service providers actively use agency systems, many of which are outdated and marked for retirement. An optimized application portfolio is assembled and grouped into strategic product families and categories.
Case Study Overview
Initial State
The transportation agency uses around 400 enterprise applications, productivity tools and cloud services combined. Some have reached the end-of-support state, some others offer overlapping, outdated, insufficient or insecure functions.
Target State
The application portfolio is categorized by Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) purpose. Software platforms, systems and hosted services are further grouped into product families, such that can be assigned to preferred vendors for planned migration, ongoing maintenance and operational support.
Aside from a more balanced, cost-efficient portfolio, the included product families are aligned to the new Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Maintain (DBFOM) model. The systems are also ready for security-driven IT/OT network segmentation.