API Management Platform
ClientNational Exchange Carrier
Some wireless and video APIs are running on a legacy technology. Extended API set is built and deployed on a modern API Management platform, where partners can register and connect their client applications. Endpoint access becomes more secure, controlled and intuitive.
Case Study Overview
Initial State
Video and wireless services are exposed on disparate application servers and available primarily to the internal consumers. Development partners require secure and reliable access to the carrier layer, with automated billing and reporting features.
Target State
An active-active API Gateway cluster is provisioned to mediate the interaction between external client applications and carrier services. Protocol adapters for text messaging (SMPP) and service usage billing (Diameter) are deployed on API Gateway and tuned for seamless integration with core telecommunications systems.
The solution is enhanced with an API Portal cluster, to provide partner self-registration, API entitlements and key management. Monitoring dashboards are configured to present usage statistics, billing statements and API monetization revenue.