Tcl Engine
CategoryProgramming Language
Tcl is a compact, general-purpose, interpreted programming language designed with the goal of being simple enough to get embedded into software applications and hardware devices. It is commonly used for rapid prototyping, test automation and software customization.
Embedded Command Runtime
Application Delivery Extension Mechanism
Tcl (Tool Command Language) is suitable for a very wide range of uses, including web and desktop application scripting, networking, administration and testing.
Tcl supports multiple programming paradigms: event-driven, functional, imperative and object-oriented. Combined with Tk — a high-level graphical user interface toolkit for developing desktop applications, it is referred to as Tcl/Tk, and included in the standard Python distribution in the form of Tkinter — Python's de facto standard GUI.
Being a dynamic language, similar to JavaScript, Lua, Python and Ruby, Tcl makes it easy to quickly manipulate data pulled from networks, devices and user interfaces.
The language includes a rich and powerful event-driven model that makes network programming easy, allowing clients and servers to be created with just a few lines of code. Network sockets, files, GUI events — all work the same way, making it easy to learn and convenient to program. A good example of where such benefits have been realized is embedding Tcl in Application Delivery Controller (ADC) appliances.