Application Security Patterns
ClientMajor Commercial Bank
High-level Information Security policies and standards are published on the bank's Enterprise Architecture site. Detailed security patterns are developed to put application authentication and authorization into practice. Development teams deliver more secure solutions in less time.
Case Study Overview
Initial State
Major commercial bank has a number of Information Security policies and standards in place, most of which are fairly high-level and not up-to-date with modern application and information protection methods and frameworks. A set of cyber security principles and patterns is required to guide application delivery and operations teams.
Target State
Main types of critical banking systems and databases are reviewed to report their security adequacy and industry alignment. Application Security Patterns are prepared to become building blocks for advanced protection from external and internal threats.
A comprehensive list of changes to the enterprise-wide security policies and standards is assembled, to bring them up to speed with modern security techniques. New guidelines include methods of protecting private data in transit and at rest.